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6 Reasons Your Period Could Be Late Besides Being Pregnant

6 Reasons Your Period Could Be Late Besides Being Pregnant

Whether you get your period every 28 days like clockwork or have a flow that prefers to come and go as it pleases, having a period go MIA often feels like cause for alarm. Your mind runs wild with thoughts of pregnancy tests and ultrasounds and watching your baby graduate college - an imaginary life that you’ve created and nurtured and helped grow all because that little bit of blood you were hoping to find this morning didn’t make it’s appearance. Whether pregnancy right now is your goal or you’re holding off temporarily or forever, a fetus in utero is certainly not the only cause of a period gone rogue. We often get asked the following questions frequntly regarding this:

Why is my period late?
How late can my period be?
Why haven't I started my period?

Here are our 6 reasons, besides being pregnant, that your period could be late that will hopefully answer those questions above.

1. Can stress delay your period?

If you’ve been running yourself ragged at work or dealing with other stressors, especially traumatic ones, your period could be late. This is called hypothalamic amenorrhea. “The hypothalamus is the center of the brain and controls reproduction. It produces a hormone that signals the production of other hormones needed for ovulation,” according to Shady Grove Fertility. So, if you’ve been stressed about something - big or small - do your best to find some time for relaxation. If you’ve experienced a traumatic situation, you should call your doctor and seek a professional opinion.

2. Can being sick delay your period?

The amazing things your body does are all intertwined on some level. When one system isn’t working as well as it should, the others are affected, too. It’s like a game of survival - which bodily process is the most important right now? If you have a common cold, the flu, a sickness bug or some other type of illness, your menstrual cycle is likely the first to be shut down in order to get the rest of your body back up to speed. Therefore being sick can delay or cause your period to be late.

3. Weight fluctuations

Say hello to your hypothalamus again (the center in the brain that controls reproductive hormones, like estrogen). When you experience extreme fluctuations in your weight, the amount of estrogen released can impact whether you get your period or not. If you lose a lot of weight quickly, your body won’t produce enough estrogen. Too much weight gain and your body will have too much estrogen. Either way, this could be a reason your period is late.

4. Change in your schedule

Minor changes in your schedule aren’t going to have an impact on your menstrual cycle but intense ones, like switching to the night shift or having jet lag from traveling across the world (you jetsetter, you!), can. The good news is that it’s temporary. Once your body acclimates to your new schedule, your periods should resume as normal. If they don’t, it’s worth calling your doctor about.

5. Hormonal imbalance

Hormones, of course, play a large role in your menstrual cycle. They determine the heaviness, the length, and even whether your period comes at all. If your hormones are out of whack, you may not menstruate. One cause could be PCOS. Another could be endometriosis. If you suspect this is the case, call your doctor. They’ll be able to put you on a path to help regulate symptoms.

6. Your birth control 

Yes, even if you don’t skip the sugar pills, your birth control could be editing your menstrual cycle. Whether you have an IUD, get Depo shots, or are on the pill, the hormonal changes caused by birth control can sometimes eliminate or lessen your period. While this can sometimes be a welcome side effect, it’s good to know that it’s actually the cause of a late or nonexistent period. If you think you’re pregnant, it’s always a good idea to take a test. Otherwise, talk to your doctor about your late period - they can provide valuable insight and ease your mind. If you are looking for sustainable, stress free period then check out our range of period products.


145 comments on 6 Reasons Your Period Could Be Late Besides Being Pregnant

  • Ahana Anand
    Ahana AnandNovember 27, 2023

    I’m 15 obviously a virgin, I’ve recently had back to back tests which I think may be the cause of late periods, besides that I’ve lost some weight do you think any other factor may be the cause of my period delay, and how can I make sure these problems do not affect me in the future.

    regards, Ahana

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorNovember 09, 2023

    Hi Mya Lee!

    Oh no! I understand being late on your period can be very stressful. Since you are only 13, it could still be normal irregularity in the beginning!

    Many reasons might delay your period, such as stress, hormonal imbalance, or lifestyle changes like a new schedule. Being sick and taking some medication may also influence and mess up with your menstrual cycle. Hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and many things can affect your hormone function and balance.

    Especially when you are young and started with your period it is common that the period is irregular. It may not come for several weeks. Or on the contrary, it may also happen that you just had your period and it is coming again quickly. Your body and hormones need to find their balance first and during this phase, which may take some time, it is common for the period to be irregular.

    Keep tracking your cycle with a period app or by making notes to your calendar. This way you can be up to date with your cycle :)

    If the period doesn’t return until next month, or generally if you are worried, I would recommend consulting a doctor, as we at Lunette are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose anything.

    -Team Lunette

  • Mya Lee
    Mya LeeNovember 09, 2023

    I’m 41 days late for my period and I’m 13 and obviously a virgin. What’s going on!?

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorOctober 02, 2023

    Hi Jeminah!

    If you think you might be pregnant, the easiest way to check that is to take an at home pregnancy test and/or discuss your concerns with your doctor.

    Many reasons might delay your period, such as stress, hormonal imbalance, or lifestyle changes like a new schedule. Hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and many things can affect your hormone function and balance.

    Please keep in mind that we are no medical professionals and therefore cannot make a remote diagnosis. Only a medical professional can make the necessary examinations. So if you worry about your period not coming, if it continues not to show up or if you believe there is something wrong, please visit a doctor.

    Best regards, Team Lunette

  • Jeminah
    JeminahOctober 02, 2023

    So am 18 days late so my period just came out today am I pregnant or can I be worried about my health

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