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8 FAQ About Menstrual Cups
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8 FAQ About Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are hardly a new idea. In fact, the first menstrual cup was invented in 1937 by a woman named Leona Chalmers. It was met with a lot of resistance and didn’t make as big as an impact as Chalmers had hoped. Over the years, menstrual cups have become more and more popular but, still, people have a lot of questions about this seemingly-odd bell-shaped cup. Understandably! With pads and tampons being the most mainstream types of period care products, it can be hard to find solid information on menstrual cups. Fear not - we are here to answer your bloodiest questions.

1. What are the holes in menstrual cups for?

Those holes at the top of the cup are not there for decoration! They play an important role in making sure that the cup is easy to remove. These holes can get blood caught in them over time, so make sure to clean your cup thoroughly after every cycle.

2. How much blood can a menstrual cup hold?

Lunette menstrual cups also known as diva cups come in 2 sizes. Model 1 can hold about .85 fluid ounces of blood and Model 2 can hold up to 1 ounce. This might not seem like much but the average person only releases about 2-3 tablespoons (or 1.5 ounces) of blood during each period.

3. How long can you wear a menstrual cup for? Longer than you can wear a tampon?

Oh yeah you can! Tampons shouldn’t be left in for more than 4 to 8 hours, depending on your flow because they absorb (and dry!) and can cause micro wounds. Menstrual cups are good to go for up to 12 hours. That’s right - you can stop worrying about whether you have enough tampons to last through the day or even worrying how long you can leave your menstrual cup in for. But, if you have a heavy period, you might want to empty it more often to prevent leakage.

4. Can you get Toxic Shock Syndrome from a menstrual cup?

Great question! It’s possible but highly unlikely. There are very few cases of TSS relating to menstrual cup use that have been reported. At least of one of the cases was due to very prolonged use. Neither of the cases were related to Lunette Menstrual Cups.

5. You aren’t supposed to use a tampon on light flow days but can you use a menstrual cup?

The reason you shouldn’t use a tampon on light flow days or spotting days is because your vagina is much drier during this time. Since tampons are absorbent, this could dry you out even more and increase your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Menstrual cups are non-absorbent (they collect the blood, instead of soaking it up) so you can use it whenever you’d like.

6. How long should a menstrual cup last? When should I replace it?

Menstrual cups can last for several years. We recommend replacing your period cup every 1-2 years. You should replace yours if it has any tears, holes, or just isn’t in good condition anymore.

7. Can I do inverted yoga poses with a menstrual cup in?

There has been a lot of debate over whether you can do yoga while on your period and even more questions about whether doing upside down poses will cause your blood to leak all over you. Thanks to the suction of the menstrual cup, this isn’t something you should worry about. Staying upside down for a long time might weaken the seal but if you’re just going through asanas in a class, rest easy.

8. If I’m allergic to latex, can I still use a menstrual cup?

You sure can if the cup is made of silicone! Lunette menstrual cups are made of medical grade silicone, so you can bleed without worrying about a latex allergy.

Menstrual cups are the period care of the future. The more you know about how they work, the easier it will be to rock your cup all period long. Check out all our menstrual cup options at Lunette.

10 comments on 8 FAQ About Menstrual Cups

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorFebruary 26, 2024

    Hi Diane!

    Happy to hear you’ve had your Lunette for a while already – woohoo! Lunette Menstrual Cups can last for several years. We recommend replacing your period cup every 2-3 years, to make it withstand the cyclic use. But we know, some Lunette Cup users choose to use their beloved Cup way longer.

    Please replace Lunette Cup when any signs of damage e.g. cuts or any deterioration are observed, or when it has discoloured or stained due to insufficient cleaning. Note, that strong discoloring or built-up surface dirt on the cup can make the silicone material more susceptible to cuts or harden the surface.

    If there is no noticeable discolouring (that cannot be cleaned), scratches or tears, you can definitely continue to use and take good care of your current cup. Just keep an eye on any deterioration and replace the cup when needed :)

    PS. You can prevent discoloring by always rinsing your cup with cold water before cleaning it using the Lunette Cup Cleanser! :)

    Team Lunette

  • Diane
    DianeFebruary 26, 2024

    Hi there, I purchased my Lunette cup two years ago. It’s in good condition, no holes/rips in it, etc. Do I need to stop using it as it’s 2 years old? How long do they last? Thanks

  • Lunette Menstual Mentor
    Lunette Menstual MentorOctober 25, 2021

    Hi Tina! Thanks for your question! No, you don’t need to give your body a break, but you do need to make sure to wash the cup every 12 hours. :)
    -Team Lunette

  • Tina
    TinaOctober 25, 2021

    Do you need to give your body a break for a few hours every day when using the cup or throughout your cycle can you continuously put it back in after emptying every few hours?

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorJune 29, 2021

    Hi Anna! We instruct to sanitize a new Lunette Cup by boiling it for 20 minutes before first use. If this is not your first time using your Lunette you can wash it with an oil free, fragrance free soap, like our Feelbetter Cup Cleaner, or for even more discreet cleanup you can use Lunette Cupwipes – no water required! But when it’s possible to boil the Cup again it’s best to do so. :)
    -Team Lunette

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